Located in Portland, Tennessee, TAEBC member Shoals Technologies Group, a leading manufacturer of solar balance system solutions, has grown exponentially since its founding in 1996. Shoals’ product diversification includes Photovoltaic (PV) monitoring systems that significantly increase installation speed and power production while reducing cost.
Shoals’ expertise earned the company global industry recognition in 2014 with the publication of PHOTON Consulting’s benchmark report, “The True Cost of Solar Power.” Shoals was named the top-rated solar power company by PHOTON, which surveys cost along the solar power supply chain among more than 1,000 solar companies.
Producing approximately 2.5 million assemblies per week, Shoals offers distinguished design, and the flexibility of full, semi and manual production in facilities that produce more than 20 Megawatts (MW) per day. In addition to PV monitoring solutions, Shoals’ product portfolio includes: combiner/re-combiner boxes, disconnecting combiner boxes, custom harnessing solutions, junction boxes, PV wire, in-line fuses, and racking.
Shoals continues its commitment to international expansion with significant growth in Japan, China, Middle East, North Africa and India. The company is located in more than 30 countries.
TAEBC looks forward to sharing Shoals’ continued achievements as the company fulfills its mission of increasing market share, standing as a torch bearer in the United States alternative energy industry.