Dr. Ben Jordan is an experienced technical leader with over 20 years of experience in Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations Management, Research, and Design. Dr. Jordan began his career in the nuclear industry with Centrus upon graduating from the University of Tennessee, where he earned a Master of Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration. 

During his nuclear career, Dr. Jordan has welcomed steadily increasing technical, leadership, and business responsibility. In his first leadership role, Dr. Jordan led the manufacturing organization that built and delivered the necessary hardware to allow the first US technology uranium enrichment centrifuge to be operated in over 20 years. Dr. Jordan’s next technical leadership opportunity allowed him to serve as an authorized design authority for the American Centrifuge machines during his tenure as the Design Engineering and Analysis Manager for the American Centrifuge Program.

Dr. Jordan’s most challenging role has been as the Facility Operations Manager where he was responsible for the K-1600 Demonstration Facility. In this role Dr. Jordan was responsible for the demonstration and testing of prototype centrifuge machines. His team consisted of over 100 employees ranging from engineers to laborers. The facility and personnel that Dr. Jordan led operated 24/7 under a Department of Energy auditable safety analysis for UF6 testing operations. The K-1600 Demonstration Facility performed high consequence testing of centrifuge machines and was itself quite complex including UF6 process gas feed and withdrawal systems, process gas piping and valving, a range of high vacuum systems, tempered water systems and backups, tiered redundant compressed air and electrical generation systems, mass spectrometry equipment, as well as high speed data acquisition and control systems. Dr. Jordan’s leadership and technical background was well-suited for this role. It was in this role where Dr. Jordan first observed the impact of the reliance on mass spectrometry equipment for assay measurement which influenced his future PhD research.

Dr. Jordan had obtained knowledge and exposure to the business considerations affecting Centrus and this segued into his current role as the Business Development Manager for Centrus. The business development role permitted Dr. Jordan to leverage the industry experience he had gained, with his business and entrepreneurial background to look for new opportunities for Centrus. In addition, this role provided the opportunity for Dr. Jordan to obtain a nuclear engineering PhD.