As of Monday April Fool’s Day, the public has exactly one week to submit their comments to TVA’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan.

The IRP provides a long-term vision for how TVA can best meet the Valley’s need for power during the next two decades. According to the draft, the IRP will impact how TVA supports environmental stewardship, encourages economic development, and offers low-cost electricity in the area.

TAEBC’s utility relations committee will be responsible for drafting TAEBC’s comments, which will be made public to our members and stakeholders. If you would like to participate in this process, please email TAEBC’s vice president Cortney Piper here.

News outlets have been reporting the agency’s plans focus on increasing flexibility, with the addition of smaller-scale and localized “distributed generation” and renewable power sources.

According to the Knoxville News Sentinel, the IRP lays out all combinations of six possible scenarios and five agency strategies. The scenarios are: TVA’s current “base case” projections, an economic downturn, growth of power needs, a strong push to cut carbon emissions, rapid development of distributed generation, and opposition to extending nuclear plant operation.

You can view the draft IRP and submit your comments here.